The workshop “Entrepreneurial competences in vocational training”.

On November 16, 2022, the workshop “Entrepreneurial Competences in Vocational Education” took place in “Regional Vocational Training Center, Müritz”. The trainer of the VETENTRE consortium partner CEFE International, Dr. Gudrun Voggenreiter, presented the VETENTRE project to the participating teachers. In particular, the training material and curriculum developed by the consortium were the content of this […]
The role of VET in entrepreneurship

According to Scott-Kemmis (2017) the importance of entrepreneurship learning & teaching lies on the below: there is evidence that entrepreneurship competences are important for career development and success, therefore these skills should be a key component of VET courses; entrepreneurship skills require a strong focus on practice-based learning, therefore emphasis should be placed in building […]
Agile management and entrepreneurship

Agile refers to responsive and adaptive methodology, accepting that change is inevitable and collaboration between self-organising, cross-functional teams is vital for the success of a project (Fowler & Highsmith, 2001). According to Mergel et al (2020) agile is not simply another approach to software development, but a mind-set that initiates cultural and organizational changes within […]
The VETENTRE Project reaches its fruition

After a fantastic two-year journey that engaged more than two hundred European practitioners in VET education, the consortium of the VETENTRE project is proud to launch not only policy recommendations and a toolkit with strategies for VET educators and VET education providers but also an innovative fully self-learning platform. The VETENTRE project will be officially […]
Final Online Meeting of the VETENTRE project

Almost two years after the project’s kick-off meeting, the partnership has gathered again in a final online meeting on Friday, November 25th 2022. With the same spirit and excitement, partners discussed the last steps of the project and further steps to ensure the sustainability and future impact of the project beyond its completion. All partners […]
2023 Erasmus+ programme guide and some info sessions

You might already be aware that the programme guide for Erasmus+ has been published on 23 November. See here: Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2023 | Erasmus+ ( There are approximately 495 million available for VET mobility, the highest budget ever dedicated to this purpose. There are also around 200 million available for some specific actions targeted to VET, […]
Multiplier Event in Cologne

On November 16, we have successfully conducted our VETentre Multiplier Event in Cologne, Germany. The event was organized and conducted in cooperation with the Cologne International Business School ( – voted best university of applied sciences in Germany. Next to the presentation of the VETentre project as well as the live conduction of an entrepreneurship […]
Building VET Trainers Entrepreneurial Competences: Train-the trainer in Cyprus

On November 5th 2022, CARDET and Innovade LI hosted a training for with VET educators, adult educators, and trainers in Limassol, Cyprus. The training aimed to provide tools and support trainers and stakeholders to design programmes and activities that promote the entrepreneurial mindset of trainees. In addition, the training was an opportunity for the Cypriot […]
E-learning platform for developing the entrepreneurial competences of VET trainers

The VETENTRE project consortium has developed an e-learning platform with a fully self-paced gamified e-learning course to develop the entrepreneurial competences of VET trainers. Through online training modules, the platform focuses on developing the entrepreneurial competences of VET trainers, adult educators and trainers and supports them to design programmes and activities that promote entrepreneurial thinking […]
New updated report with the Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe released by Eurydice

The Eurydice Network has just released the new edition of Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe for 2021. The new edition analyses more than 20 key structural indicators for education policies in four areas: early childhood education and care, achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training and higher […]