Unit 7: Development of Digital Competences of VET Providers Overview As the teaching professions face rapidly changing demands, educators require an increasingly broad and more sophisticated set of competences than before. In particular, the ubiquity of digital devices and the duty to help students become digitally competent requires educators to develop their own digital competence. The instrument applied in this area is the ‘European framework for educators' digital competence’ (DigCompEdu). DigCompEdu is a self-assessment tool and guidelines for teachers and trainers that defines:  a conceptualisation of digital competences for educators (22 competences grouped in 6 areas)  a progression model based on 6 proficiency levels Digital competences for VET providers The DigCompEdu Framework 12 aims to capture and describe these educator-specific digital competences by proposing 22 elementary competences organised in 6 areas:  Area 1: Professional Engagement ➔ Using digital technologies for communication, collaboration and professional development; Digital competences Description 1. Organisational communication To use digital technologies to enhance organisational communication with learners, parents and third parties. To contribute to collaboratively developing and improving organisational communication strategies. 2. Professional collaboration To use digital technologies to collaborate with other educators, share and exchange knowledge and experience, and collaboratively innovate pedagogic practices. 3. Reflective practice To individually and collectively reflect on, critically assess and actively develop one’s own digital pedagogical practice and that of one’s educational community. 12 Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2017). Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) . Available at: