Implementation phase There are many roles and conflicting constellations that are suitable for role-playing in entrepreneurship education. Examples include entrepreneur and customer, founder and bank consultant, entrepreneur and venture capitalist or competing companies. Game situations can be, inter alia: organising production processes, market a business idea or product, negotiating loans with the bank. The subject matter is not the main focus. It is primarily about the different perspectives from which the presented problems are seen, assessed and dealt with. The game takes place in certain turns. The role-play ends either after a previously agreed time or after an evaluable result has been achieved. Evaluation Phase Usually, the evaluation phase lasts three times as long as the role-playing sequence. The players are officially "released" from their roles. They then comment on their actions or their results. The observers report their results. In this phase, the learners should only express their perceptions and impressions, not make any evaluations. The role-play is then evaluated. The teacher leads the group through the evaluation process by posing questions, such as:  How did the game go?  Who acted how and why?  Who achieved which outcome?  What is the result for the whole group?  Conclusions: How can evaluation results and findings be transferred to real life and how can these be used here? It is advisable to take notes of the key findings on meta plan cards (moderation cards) and place them aboard. To not disturb the discussion flow, an assistant can be designated to take over this task. Preparing Role Playing Games Prepare the game: You can either write your own role-playing games or use one of the many to be found on the internet (see some links in the box on the next page). If you use an existing one, make sure you familiarise yourself with it and memorise the game structure and the guiding questions for the evaluation round. The games during which calculations are being used most often need some practice beforehand. Prepare your material: most games need some tools (like scissors, markers etc.) or some products to play with. Also, it might be good to display the game's rules or any other important information on the flipchart.