Unit 3: Strategies for entrepreneurship education in VET How to use Case Studies in Teaching Entrepreneurial Skills This unit explains how case studies can contribute to the development of competences in entrepreneurship and how VET educators can implement them in their teaching practice. The case method proves to be a suitable didactic approach for complex learning content. The learners should demonstrate that they can convert knowledge from their studies into viable problem-solving proposals by solving a case study. Case studies require a precise analysis of the topic concerned and a precise strategy for solving the 'case’ and include the presentation of pros and cons and the recommendation or presentation of the best possible solution. Therefore, case studies are a valuable teaching method, especially in entrepreneurial training, and this works on two levels. First, the learners learn how to solve the given problems by practising creatively and being self- determined. Second, the content of a case study decides which competences the learner can develop. According to the entrepreneurial competencies as they are defined in EntreComp, case studies can develop, especially the following ones: 1.3 Vision: Visualise future scenarios to help guide effort and action 1.4 Valuing ideas: Recognise the potential an idea has for creating value and identify suitable ways of making the most of it 2.3 Mobilising resources: Get and manage the material needed to turn ideas into action. Make the most of limited resources 2.4 Financial and economic literacy 3.2 Planning and management 3.3 Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk How case studies are structured Case studies also play an important role outside of teaching. They are among the most popular (qualitative) research methods, e.g., medicine and management theory. Case studies can be used here to form ideas. These studies report on how a specific problem was solved and what decisions were made along the way. These can be positive but also negative cases. Case studies are also used in marketing, e.g. when a company talks about the effect of its products in concrete cases or about its corporate culture. Useful Resources On these webpages you can find a collection of case studies. English: - ory/case-study/ - 4348/A_Case_Study_in_Entrepre neurship_Small_Business_Set_Up - /entrepreneurship/casestudies German: - https://www.e- Beratung-und- IT/Fallstudie/Fallstudien-Beispiel - https://www.e- ung/pruefungsform/fallstudien . how what they have learned applies
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