Unit 2: Methodologies and approaches for integrating entrepreneurship education in VET Overview Entrepreneurship is at the heart of innovation in our societies, driving social and economic change (Aljohani, 2015). In order to drive entrepreneurship and stimulate the economy, learners must be provided with entrepreneurship education to ensure that value is created for others (Lackéus, 2015). To ensure the long-term success of our global economy, VET providers must be able to self- examine their programs and practices to ensure that future students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to keep up to date with 21 st -century methodologies. This section examines these methodologies and approaches for integrating entrepreneurship education in VET through a Needs-Based Methodology and a Collaborative Learning Methodology. By successfully identifying the needs of VET learners and the capabilities of the VET providers, a synergy can be created with resources and abilities merged to drive entrepreneurship education in VET. Needs-Based Methodology A needs-based methodology “ focuses on developing and implementing procedures and practices to support all learners” (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2015) . A needs-based education model aims to ensure that all learners can understand the pedagogy and are provided with the correct resources to reach their full potential. In line with the objectives set out under the European Pillar of Social Rights (2021), a needs-based methodology can provide inclusive education and training opportunities to all. A needs-based methodology provides all learners with the appropriate learning opportunities specific to their individual needs, such as additional classroom supports, differentiated instruction and inclusive opportunities within the learning environment. Depending on the individual needs of learners, some may require targeted short-term support through coaching and mentoring. In contrast, others may require longer-term support, which can be identified through an Inclusion and Intervention Plan, detailing the learning styles and needs, learning capacity and relevant medical information that may have a bearing on the individual. For the successful delivery of a needs-based methodology within VET, educators must follow three main principles, namely; (1) Inclusionary Philosophies and Beliefs; (2) Planning for Instruction, Interventions and Supports; and (3) Interprofessional collaboration (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2015). 1) Inclusionary Philosophies and Beliefs Empowering learners to achieve their potential is at the heart of a needs-based methodology. By promoting inclusion and diversity within the learning environments, learners can be